Owasso, Oklahoma, United States of America (Free-Press-Release.com) September 5, 2011 --Oklahoma State Fair 2011 | Oklahoma City Fairgrounds | September 15 - 25, 2011
Oklahoma State Fair 2011 | Oklahoma City Fairgrounds | September 15 - 25, 2011
Oklahoma State Fair Basic Information
Frequency: Once a Year
Venue: Oklahoma State Fair Park
Country: Oklahoma City, United States Of America
Dates: September 15 - 25, 2011
Industry: Sports & Entertainment
Oklahoma State Fair is one of the most eagerly awaited and well attended trade fairs in the state as it offers an opportunity to residents as well as the trading community of the state to display their products and services to a large audience. What's more, the Oklahoma State Fair runs for eleven days in mid to late September in Oklahoma City, and is a fantastic event for the whole family, that is, it is the best palce for home entertainment.
Agriculture and livestock still play a central role at the fair, with livestock competitions, rodeos, and horse shows. At the smae time, carnival rides are also still a big part of the Oklahoma State Fair . There are also creative arts competitions, wine & spirits competitions, and even ice shows while a variety of both local and national star headliners round out a full concert lineup. However, the mainstays of any state fair, food stalls are also a big draw for fair-goers who can choose from a huge variety of vendors offering regional specialties, BBQ and fried foods.
Highlights of Oklahoma State Fair
* The Oklahoma State Fair is one of the biggest state fairs in America. This celebration of the state's agricultural heritage as well as its commerce and manufacturing roots specializes in family fun.
* One can find the traditional assortment of blue-ribbon competitions and tasty food, along with rides, concerts, and a long list of other fun things to do.
* Kids of all ages will enjoy their time at the ten-day-long Oklahoma fair, which arrives like clockwork at the end of September.
Oklahoma State Fair List
Oklahoma State Fair 2010
Oklahoma State Fair 2011
Oklahoma State Fair 2012
Oklahoma State Fair 2013
Recommended Trade Shows
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