Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jazz Joy and Roy advises coverage seekers to give at least 3 weeks advance notice

new york city, New York, United States of America (Free-Press-Release.com) September 2, 2011 -- Due to the high number of event-coverage requests, Jazz Joy and Roy cannot possibly honor each request received. Please be sure to put "Media Alert" in the subject line of your email.

Tell Jazz Joy and Roy the proverbial who, what, when and where, providing excellent driving directions. Include info on precisely who will be available for the famed Jazz Joy and Roy mic before the event.

If your event will feature one of the artists on the official Jazz Joy and Roy play list, let Jazz Joy and Roy know.

Please note that, if Jazz Joy and Roy's schedule allows Jazz Joy and Roy to observe the entire event, Jazz Joy and Roy may or may not choose to do a few post-event interviews.

Also, please advise each potential Jazz Joy and Roy interviewee to make a very brief bio available to Jazz Joy and Roy.

To ensure that your media alert captures the attention of Jazz Joy and Roy, send 1 or 2 email reminders a day or two prior to the event. Don't forget to follow up with a phone call the morning of your event. If Jazz Joy and Roy agrees to cover your event, please inform security and other door personnel that Jazz Joy and Roy will be arriving.

If you are employing Roy's speaking skills at your event, please make Roy's stage appearance super short and super sweet, so that optimum focus can be given to event coverage.

Note: Jazz Joy and Roy's worldwide, addicted listeners are asked to collectively purchase half a million dollars worth of addictive music from each selected recording artist, and half a billion dollars worth of addictive voice-over services from Jazz Joy and Roy's very own Roy by the last day of the year.

And don't forget: Helping spend half a million dollars on each of the gifted recording artists played on Jazz Joy and Roy...is almost better than visiting Kare MD!

View the original article here

Peliculas Online

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